
Become a member of Cochrane Nursing

Members of Cochrane Nursing are active participants in the strategic activities of the Field, and contribute to the growing global awareness of the importance of systematic reviews in healthcare decision making. Cochrane Nursing members are encouraged to register with Cochrane, accrue recognition for their contributions and become part of the international Cochrane Community. Whether you have been an active contributor in the past or have never volunteered for Field work before, we encourage all members to give considered thought to the following and generously support these initiatives. The time commitment will be small compared to the beneficial impact these projects will have on how Cochrane evidence on nursing care topics is disseminated and accessed globally.

Cochrane Nursing currently has over 1200 registered members and is continuing to grow. Members of the Field:

  • Receive regular Email Bulletins;
  • Are linked to other members around the world; and
  • Are offered opportunities to participate in our efforts to support evidence based nursing care.

Advantages of getting involved

  • Contribute to the growth of science in Nursing Care and Knowledge Translation worldwide and in your own country
  • Contribute to spread the best evidence in Nursing Care
  • Global networking with colleagues engaged in the growth of science in Nursing Care and Knowledge Translation
  • Local networking with your national evidence based community
  • Increase your own knowledge on evidence and knowledge translation

What members do

You can get involved with the work of Cochrane Nursing by becoming a contributor. As a contributor you can be a collaborator on research projects, including systematic reviews or other methods research, depending on your interests and expertise. The Field maintains a database of people who are interested in contributing:

  • as authors of reviews,
  • as peer reviewers of a Cochrane review, as methods or content experts,
  • to research projects with the Field,
  • to the development of podcasts of Cochrane review evidence
  • to the linguistic translation and publication of summaries of Cochrane evidence
  • to the update of Wikipedia web pages with citations to relevant Cochrane reviews
  • to the tagging of reviews and protocols in the Cochrane library,
  • to raise awareness about Cochrane and Cochrane Nursing in your scientific community,
  • to write summaries of, or commentaries on, Cochrane Reviews, or
  • to help to sustain funding for our activities.

If you are interested in becoming a contributor to Cochrane Nursing, please e-mail the Field Coordinator at – In the e-mail provide your professional and academic title, your geographical location, and your research area of interest. Your details will then be uploaded to the Cochrane Nursing membership database and you will receive all future communications from the group regarding news, special events, and opportunities to actively contribute to our dissemination mission.