How can I become involved with Cochrane Nursing?
The Mission of Cochrane Nursing (CN) is to support Cochrane's work by increasing the use of their library and provide an international evidence base for nurses and related healthcare professionals involved in delivering, leading or researching nursing care. If you would like to get involved in any of the following Cochrane Nursing projects, contact Mr. Stephen Lam – stephenlam@cuhk.edu.hk
'Cochrane Corner' columns – Summaries of recent nursing-care-relevant Cochrane reviews that are regularly published in the group's collaborating nursing-care-related journals. The original authors and full citations of the Cochrane reviews are noted in each published column. These published summaries reach a much wider group of nurses and related healthcare agencies internationally and allow direct access to highly relevant evidence outcomes that frontline healthcare workers might not otherwise have access to. Working from the template provided members develop an evidence summary based on a Cochrane review. Each summary is externally reviewed by the relevant Cochrane Review Group and original review author before being published.
Translation Project - CN currently manages a successful global knowledge translation program in English language journals – the 'Cochrane Corner' series. In 2019, CN started establishing agreements for the translation and publication of these columns in languages other than English. This project has enabled the wider distribution of this group's columns throughout countries that would otherwise not have the opportunity to receive these evidence summaries. We would like to hear from CN members interested in helping coordinate this activity in non-English speaking countries. At this stage, we invite members to make contact with us and propose a location where we can consider establishing a new agreement. CN currently has active translation agreements in China, Spain, Portugal, Taiwan and Israel.