The Field Sub-groups are designed to promote a geographical spread of activities internationally and each Group is responsible for a substantive Field function or activity. Any member of the Field can become a member of a Group irrespective of the country they are from.
Virtual Groups in Cochrane Nursing
Participation is based upon pragmatic contribution to one or more of the Cochrane Nursing activities described below.
This new activity being undertaken by the CNCF will play an important role in linking Cochrane to a widely utilised online resource. The ‘Wikipedia Nursing Project’ aims to identify Wikipedia pages where Cochrane reviews of relevance to nursing can be added as references and paraphrased in pages to increase awareness of and access to Cochrane evidence on related topics. Cochrane has the permission and resource to enable this activity, which has the potential to significantly expand the reach of its evidence on nursing and frontline care related topics to the vast online healthcare community.
Linguistic Translation
The Translation Project involves identifying topics from the Field’s existing resource of previously published Cochrane review summaries - translating and publishing them in a language other than English.
Review Tagging
The Review Tagging Project requires a group of Field members to identify and tag reviews with relevance to nursing practice so they can be more readily identified and accessed by nurses. This work will have a significant impact on the ability of nurses internationally to identify and access evidence outcomes that are directly relevant to the conduct of frontline care.
The CNCF has established members to coordinate the production and uploading of podcasts based on previous published "Cochrane Corner' columns.
Please contact the Field if you would like to be involved in any of these activities.