Welcome to the CNCF Fundamentals of Care (FOC) Node Page. The node is lead by Professor Alison Kitson from the Univeristy of Adelaide and Dr Suzi Robertson-Malt from theJoanna Briggs Institute in Adelaide.
Our work revolves around trying to identify what are the Fundamentals of Care – that is, what is the basis upon which nursing care is delivered? This involves undertaking thematic analysis, categorisation and synthesis of selected contents extracted from seminal texts relating to nursing practice, and undertaking a review of published literature using a Meta Narrative Review Methodology. To read the first paper on the fundamentals of care (published in the International Journal of Nursing Practice) click here
We are looking for volunteers to be involved in this work and have created the following resources to assist:
· A PowerPoint presentation on how to be involved in activities of the FOC Node click here
· The FOC Template for systematic review analysis click here
· An example of the FOC Template (used in the PowerPoint presentation) click here
If you would like to be involved in this work:
- Contact the CNCF and state your areas of interest
- A node convenor will be in contact with you and either set you up with a specific review to assess or you may have your own preference
- Download the above resources and you are on your way!